Hit the gym and exert yourself with confidence. Performance and Fitness Formula is a holistic Swiss-based supplement formulated to boost your physical performance, energy, aesthetics and overall health – bio-engineering your body’s fitness levels and longevity to keep up with an active, athletic or adventurous lifestyle.
Why Should You Consume LAB RMS Performance & Fitness Formula?
- Supports performance and fitness by promoting faster recovery, increasing stamina and energy, promoting lipid metabolism and improving muscle mass and strength.
- Supports general health and longevity by promoting optimum functions of cardiovascular health, the kidneys, the prostate, and the immune system.
- Stabilizes blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
- Promotes hormonal balance and cognitive functions.
- Helps achieve improved aesthetics by strengthening and supporting better-looking hair, skin, and nails.
When exercising, the body’s oxygen needs increases, which may result in overconsumption of oxygen. This can cause the increased production of free radicals called Reactive Oxygen Species or ROS. Free radicals can increase lipid peroxidation, glutathione oxidation, and oxidative protein damage (VinNa, J. et al., 2001) which can negatively affect exercise performance. To protect itself from the damaging effects of ROS, the human body has its own complex system of endogenous antioxidant protection in the form of enzymes – such as superoxide dismutase catalase, and glutathione peroxidase – that aid in the removal of ROS during resting state. However, under certain conditions, for example intense exercise, the body’s endogenous antioxidant system is not able to effectively remove excessive ROS production resulting in phenomena known as oxidative stress. N-Acetyl- Cysteine (NAC) is an acetylated cysteine residue which contains three ionizable functional groups: carboxylic acid, amino, and a sulfhydryl group (thiol). It is one of the ingredients in the Performance & Fitness Formula supplement, which serves as an effective scavenger of free radicals as well as a major contributor to maintaining the cellular glutathione status in the muscle cells. This demonstrates the possible roles for NAC to minimize fatigue or extend the time it takes for it to accumulate and prevent the onset of apoptosis secondary to wearying exercises (Kerksick, C., & Willoughby, D., 2005).
Zinc is another ingredient found in in the Performance & Fitness Formula supplement. It is an important trace mineral needed by the body for energy metabolism, immune functions, possible antioxidant effects, wound healing, and taste and smell (Clarkson, 1991). Zinc loss occurs particularly through sweat and urine. During exercise, the body releases a lot of sweat, indicating a higher loss of zinc.
A low level of zinc in the body is shown to impair cardiorespiratory function and cause lower levels of erythrocyte zinc and carbonic anhydrase activity (Lukaski, 2005). Exercise can lead to muscle soreness which might be because of microscopic tears in the muscles when a certain exercise or activity is new or repetitive. The tiny tears will eventually produce inflammation and corresponding pain. The presence of adequate zinc will help to soothe out the inflammation by allowing the immune cells (neutrophils and macrophages) to ingest foreign substances and clean up cellular debris. At the same time, zinc is also used to send signals to lymphocytes, enabling the production of the right type of immune cells to aid the healing process (Lin et al, 2017).

L–Citrulline has had its impact on exercise performance extensively studies. Based on research, L–Citrulline has two mechanisms that have been proved to help in improving exercise performance:
- Improving skeletal muscle oxygen:
- Significantly increases plasma L-arginine, a precursor to nitric oxide which works by alleviating the endothelial dysfunction, reducing the oxygen cost of exercise and improving the function of energy-producing mitochondria. This results in a lower perceived effort and easier breathing during exercise, in addition to reduced muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery.
- Improves the ammonia homeostasis:
- Improves the ammonia homeostasis: Ammonia is associated with muscle fatigue due to its ability to increase anaerobic glycolysis and produce lactic acid during high intensity exercise. Supplementation of L–citrulline increases arginine level which plays important roles in improving ammonia homeostasis (Breuillard, Cynober, & Moinard, 2015).
- Both mechanisms show that L–citrulline can be beneficial in exercise performance by either improving skeletal muscle oxygen or lowering lactic acid production to slow down muscle fatigue. A study done by Bailey et al (2015) stated that muscle (vastus lateralis) oxygenation pattern assessment using infrared spectroscopy demonstrated lower deoxygenated haemoglobin/myoglobin concentrations during moderate-intensity exercise and during moderate to high intensity exercise, there are higher tissue oxygenation index with L–citrulline supplementation. The use of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) as one of the ingredients combined with exercising will elevate free testosterone level and thus improve exercise performance. This is because haemoglobin and haematocrit were increased by higher testosterone which will increase the erythropoietin levels (Terasawa et al., 2017). High levels of erythropoietin are beneficial especially during exercise for buffering capacity, and ATP and Nitric Oxide release from erythropoietin contributes to vasodilation and improved blood flow to working muscle (Mairbäurl, 2013).

L–Carnitine, also known as vitamin B-11, is a very popular supplement among athletes – especially after word got out that the Italian national soccer team won the world championship in 1982 with the help of L–Carnitine supplementation. L–Carnitine is well-known for its role in fat metabolism, and is one of the ingredients found in Performance & Fitness Formula. When performing low to moderate intensity exercise, the body will use energy sources from long chain fatty acids up to 80%. The long chain fatty acids will not be able to enter the inner mitochondrial membrane where the conversion to ATP takes place but with the aid of L–Carnitine, the inner mitochondrial membrane will be permeable. L–Carnitine is a cofactor of carnitine acyltransferases, crucial for transporting long-chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial inner membrane. When performing high-intensity exercise, the body will produce a high level of acetyl-CoA, an important biochemical molecule in cellular respiration to be oxidized for energy production. This causes the inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex and reduces flux through the PDH complex, resulting in the acceleration of lactate which can affect performance when exercising because of the discomfort or painful, sore muscles. Fortunately, with the presence of Carnitine, the accumulation of lactic acid may be suppressed. This is because Acetyl-CoA reacts with free carnitine to form acetyl-carnitine and CoA thereby enhancing exercise performance (Karlic, H., & Lohninger, A. (2004)).
The presence of Betaine in the Performance & Fitness Formula supplement contributes to improvement of power performance. This is proven by a study done by Hoffman et al. (2009) suggesting that muscle endurance improves after 2 weeks of betaine supplementation in active. Another study by Lee et al (2010) also suggests that betaine supplement increased power, force, and maintenance. Natural betaine combined with electrolytes assists in rehydration of the cells to restore optimal fluid balance and transporting electrolytes and glucose to the muscle cells.
When exercising, the cells need to be hydrated to avoid stress when muscles are overworked. When there is more available water inside the muscle cells, the more hydrated muscles will increase muscle pump in exercise especially in training reps and endurance strength exercise. The muscle pumping will eventually result in muscle growth. When fluid regulation is combined with the hypertrophy process, it will stimulate protein synthesis which will result in an increase in muscle mass. Another ingredient in Performance & Fitness Formula that helps in increasing muscle mass is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). According to the study done by Terasawa et al.(2017), CLA intake was found to result in increased body weight caused by increased muscle mass.
The ingredients in Performance & Fitness Formula exert positive effects on the immune system:
L–carnitine is reported to accelerate the proliferation responses of human lymphocytes following the mitogenic stimulation and increase polymorphonuclear (immune cell) chemotaxis (De Simone el at., 1982).
In the study done by Clemente Plaza et al. (2018), it stated that L-cysteine can regulate immune system activity by promoting changes in levels of production of its effector molecules, as is the case of IL-17 (Pro-inflammatory cysteine).
As for betaine, it aids in immune system by inhibiting IL-1β (mediator of the inflammatory response) production through various pathways (Xia et al., 2018). Although essential to resist the infection, IL-1β may also exacerbate damage during acute tissue injuries (Dinarello,2010).
L–Citrulline & L-Arginie
According to Lee et al. (2018), both L–Citrulline and L–arginine can modulate regulatory T-cells (part of the immune system) immune effects by increasing the Interleukin-10 (IL-10: potent anti-inflammatory) level.
Several studies have shown that magnesium plays an important role in immune response such as immunoglobulin synthesis, C’3 convertase, immune cell adherence, antibody-dependent cytolysis, IgM lymphocyte binding, macrophage response to lymphokines and T helper–B cell adherence (Tam et al., 2003).
Zinc is an important trace mineral for the immune system. It aids in normal development and function of cells mediating innate immunity, neutrophils, and NK cells, the macrophage, the phagocytosis, intracellular killing, cytokine production, and also the growth and function of T and B cells. Zinc’s ability to function as antioxidant and stabilize membranes suggests that it has a role in the prevention of free radical-induced injury during inflammatory processes (Prasad, 2008). Intensive exercise can cause immunosuppression (Sharp & Koutedakis, 1992, Pedersen et al., 1999) which is characterized by decreased activity of NK cells, neutrophils, T and B lymphocytes and saliva’s IgA concentration (Nieman.1998). This is very dangerous because it increases the risk of infectious diseases occurrences especially after intense and prolonged training sessions.
The presence of L-carnitine can improve hormone production, as seen in a study done by Genazzani et al. (2010) which reported increases in the gonadotropins and sex hormones levels as well as ameliorate oocyte health. Gonadotropins are hormones that are synthesized and released by the anterior pituitary – they affect both testes and ovaries, involved in increasing the production of sex hormones and stimulating the production of sperm and ova. Strenuous exercise affects hormonal balance, especially in women, as hypothalamic dysfunction might occur and cause disturbance to GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing hormone) pulsatility, resulting in delayed menarche and disruption of menstrual cyclicity (Warren, 2001).
Zinc also plays an important role in hormonal balance because it acts as an important mediator in the binding of hormone to its receptor which leads to increases in the synthesis of the growth hormone and its number of receptors (Baltaci et al., 2019). Extreme exercise can affect cognitive behaviour because over exercise can lead to extreme fatigue which will cause the brain to have trouble in making decisions. Prolonged extreme exercise can cause changes in several types of minerals in the body including zinc. Zinc is important for axonal and synaptic transmission and is necessary for nucleic acid metabolism and brain tubulin growth and phosphorylation. The lack of zinc will eventually impaired DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis during brain development. Hence, it is very important for zinc to be supplemented in people with an active exercise routine.
L-citrulline in the Performance & Fitness Formula supplement may have a neuroprotective effect to improve cerebrovascular dysfunction. A study done by Lee & Kang (2017), mentioned reports that L-citrulline prevents neuronal cell death and protects cerebrovascular injury. This may help in preventing declining cognitive function.
Herrman et al. (2003) suggested that the level of homocysteine plasma increases during exercise – especially endurance exercise. High homocysteine may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease because it can damage the lining of the arteries, leading to blood clots or blood vessel blockages which are very dangerous for the heart as they raise the risk of heart attack.
The presence of Betaine, the homocysteine plasma can be reduced in healthy adults because betaine will donate methyl groups to homocysteine, which in turn in metabolized back to methionine (McRae, 2013). Other than reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, betaine is also used for kidney health. In the kidney, betaine acts as an osmoprotectant. Osmolarity in the interstitium of the inner medulla is essential for the normal process of water reabsorption and urine concentration (Delgayo-Reyes & Garrow, 2005).
Performance & Fitness Formula is also good for prostate health because L–citrulline has been studies to correct the cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) such as endothelial dysfunction associated with sickle cell disease (Waugh et al., 2001) and pulmonary hypertension (Smith et al., 2006). Moreover, L–citrulline also aids in the reverse penile endothelial dysfunction by correcting the proximate cause of ED. A study conducted by Komori et al. (2008) stated that the increased of nitric oxide production will make corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells synthesis and the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which can restore impaired endothelial function.
Performance & Fitness Formula is also good for prostate health because L–citrulline has been studies to correct the cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) such as endothelial dysfunction associated with sickle cell disease (Waugh et al., 2001) and pulmonary hypertension (Smith et al., 2006). Moreover, L–citrulline also aids in the reverse penile endothelial dysfunction by correcting the proximate cause of ED. A study conducted by Komori et al. (2008) stated that the increased of nitric oxide production will make corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells synthesis and the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which can restore impaired endothelial function.
The mix of magnesium (Mg) in the Performance & Fitness Formula supplement gives benefits to glucose management during exercise. This is because during exercise, the cells need glucose as the main source of energy. For the glucose to be fully utilized during exercise, magnesium is one of the important minerals needed in glucose utilization and metabolism. Unfortunately, during exercise, magnesium is lost through sweat and urine (similar to zinc loss), resulting in magnesium deficiency (Chen et al., 2014). Gotoh et al. (1998), Coggan (1991), and Felig, Cherif, Minagawa, & Wahren (1982) suggest that short term, high intensity exercise can cause hyperglycaemia and prolonged and exhausting exercise may cause hypoglycaemia. Hence, regulation and maintenance of magnesium homeostasis is very important for enhancing exercise performance. A study done by Bohl & Volpe (2002), Clarkson (1991), & Lukaski & Nielsen (2002) agrees that under the magnesium deficiency conditions, exercise performance is affected.
The Performance & Fitness Formula supplement combines magnesium with malic acid as magnesium malate to allow the magnesium to be easily absorbed as well as keeping blood magnesium higher for a longer amount of time (Uysal et al., 2019). Other than maintaining blood glucose, magnesium is also used as a blood pressure lowering agent. A study done by Borghi & Cicero (2017) suggests that magnesium supplements might aid in lowering blood pressure by increasing the production of nitric oxide, which acts as a signaling molecule that helps relax the blood vessels.
L-cysteine is the building block of keratin, which is one of the most abundant proteins that can be found in hair and skin. This, along with the presence of zinc as one of the ingredients, indicates that the Performance & Fitness Formula supplement might also help in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. In a 2014 study by Gupta et al., it was suggested that zinc that taken orally may be beneficial for skin disease such as acne, warts, psoriasis, and vitiligo, to name a few. In hair and nail health, zinc deficiency is one of the common causes of hair loss and nail dystrophy (Saper & Rash, 2009). This is because zinc contributes to several processes in the body including cell reproduction, protein synthesis and absorption of vitamins and other minerals. In addition, zinc also aids in production and maintenance of hormone levels which is crucial in preventing and treating hair loss. As for nail health, an article by Betsy, Binitha, & Sarita (2013) stated that zinc deficiency can cause nail growth to decrease, and the nails themselves become fragile and brittle, causing them to crack or in the worst case, fall off.
125mg Trimerthylaminobutyric Acid
250mg Citrulline Malate
150mg L-Cysteine
7.5mg Zinc
100mg Magnesium Malate
375mg Betaine
375mg Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Single dose of 2 servings per day.
Supplement Facts: Serving Size 1 tablets
For adults only. No specific contindications except individual intolerance to the ingredients. Keep out of reach of children.
Room temperature, keep away from sunlight.